
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)​

Since the implementation of the ADR Regulations in October 2015, the use of ADR in relation to consumer complaints has increased significantly. In many sectors, complaint numbers are significant, leaving ADR providers with large numbers of complaints to process.

Our solution, Dashcom ADR, is a cloud-based software platform that facilitates the efficient processing of consumer complaints. The basic platform provides:

  • A consumer portal, where the complainant can upload details of their claim and supporting evidence, communicate with the ADR provider and see the progress of their claim
  • An ADR portal, where the ADR team can administer the claim
  • A trader portal, where the respondent to the claim can see details of claims, communicate with the ADR provider and respond to claims.
  • A management portal, where ADR management can monitor productivity of staff

Platform Features

Our platform has


Such as ‘complete complaint file’

Built in Timings

In accordance with the timetable set out within the ADR regulations or as stipulated by individual regulators or trader

Process Flows

Functionality to create process flows


Detailed data reporting and functionality to bespoke reports for regulators, management and subscribers to their ADR scheme.

Optional Modules

The platform also has a number of optional modules.

Providers can either utilise the standard version of DashcomADR or DDRT can provide a fully bespoke system.


Dashcom ADR is used by:

Ready to Discuss Possibilities?

Learn how DDRT’s AI-powered, bespoke solutions can help your business